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Cmios Rev 5 Installer Download

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by chanxiuconfai1970 2020. 2. 10. 23:54


(, 12:54 PM)Surios Wrote: (, 05:09 AM)BDMaster Wrote: Hi friend,Its's an UEFI Insyde Bios try to use FalseClock Method!HiI didn't find FalseClock Method. In the topic about 'InsydeH20 rev 5' nothing is mentioned.Hi friend,Falseclock started a new way to unlock some Variables into VarStore so far to get Menu Tabs unlocked or VT enabled on Bioses RSA signed, but for all UEFI Bios too.It use a UEFI Shell modified to set some var into Bios without reflash It into Eeprom, just only using an USB UEFI Bootable and running few comands.Look here and read the examples:It's a Generical Method for all UEFI Bioses.Regards.

Cmios Rev 5 Installer Download

Cmios Rev 5 Installer Download


(, 03:46 PM)BDMaster Wrote: Hi friend,Falseclock started a new way to unlock some Variables into VarStore so far to get Menu Tabs unlocked or VT enabled on Bioses RSA signed, but for all UEFI Bios too.It use a UEFI Shell modified to set some var into Bios without reflash It into Eeprom, just only using an USB UEFI Bootable and running few comands.Look here and read the examples:It's a Generical Method for all UEFI Bioses.RegardsThere's only ready methods, they will not fit under my version bios. I didn't find examples how create for my version. Tried to use the first page but it was a blank screen on startup.